Our comprehensive survey of young people includes analysis of youth intention to vote, electoral outreach, and breakdowns by race/ethnicity and education.
Our analysis, highlighted in the New York Times, shows that members of both generations voted at similar rates in their first two elections.
Our new fact sheet explores the current state of civic education standards and its implications for young Americans' civic knowledge
The simple act of asking young people to vote is one of the most effective ways to engage them in elections.
We explore just what it may mean if youth are excited about an election, and its implications for their voter participation and vote choice.
A new report co-written by CIRCLE experts continues our work exploring the links between a community's civic life and its economic resilience.
On the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we look at how states have incorporated teaching about it into education standards.
Whether for lack of opportunities or because young people are not "joiners", few youth belong to formal groups or associations
A major new CIRCLE report explores what stands in the way of non-college youth engaging in communities and how we can support them.