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Millennial. Mom. Mayor. Another way Michelle Wu reflects a changing Boston

The Boston Globe
“It’s become more normal or normative to have a political voice,” said CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg. “It’s an advantage for a candidate like Michelle Wu who really did build community and had a very young campaign team that wasn’t made of seasoned 50-year-olds.”

Losing the generation game: could economic setbacks radicalise graduates?

Financial Times
“The one thing we heard [consistently] from young people was that it was a learning experience in how political leaders’ decisions affect their daily life,” says Abby Kiesa, deputy director of the Centre for Information and Research of Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University.

Political Rancor Feels Old to America's Youth

Voice of America
In June, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) found in their research that the environment, racism and affordable health care were the top three issues driving youth in the 2020 elections.

Young Voters Preferred Biden -- With 1 Exception

Inside Higher Ed
"In estimates that were revised Wednesday, CIRCLE's analysis found that young white men supported Trump by a six-point margin (51 versus 45 percent), while young white women favored former vice president Biden by 13 percentage points (55 to 42 percent)."