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Inside the battle for Asian-American votes

The Economist
A poll by CIRCLE, a research group attached to Tufts University, found that a staggering 78% of Asian-Americans aged between 18 and 29 supported Mr Biden in 2020, 20 points more than young voters nationally.

Teens and Young Adults are Taking on Roles as Activists

VPM News
Twenty seven percent, compared with 5% in 2016, of young adults indicated that they had participated in street protests, and more than half responded that they had actively worked to encourage their peers to vote. Eighty three percent said that they believe young people have the power to change the country.

One Last Push: Climate Activists to Rally at White House and Across U.S.

The New York Times
Young voters overwhelmingly cited climate change as one of their three top issues, said CIRCLE Deputy Director Abby Kiesa. And those who prioritized it exhibited what she called a “high civic readiness” — a likelihood to be involved in local and national organizations.

Young Americans of all stripes are pessimistic about U.S. politics

The Fulcrum
Pennsylvania tops the Youth Electoral Significance Index, given its above average youth voter registration and turnout rates. According to CIRCLE, President Biden garnered 127,000 more votes among the youth than Donald Trump in a race decided by fewer than 35,000 ballots.