Age, as well as race/ethnicity, influenced vote choice in the 2016 South Carolina democratic primary.
Our analysis highlights the issues and candidate qualities that mattered most to Republican youth in the state.
Our exclusive, data-driven ranking highlights the 2016 races where young people have the highest potential to decide elections.
Bernie Sanders performed much better in places with a high concentration of college students.
In four key Senate races, young people's vote share and preference for one candidate shaped the election results.
By: By Carmen Procida, Diana Manee, Jeanne Dairaghi and Bronwyn Lucas
By: Amy Syvertsen (Search Institute), Laura Wray-Lake (University of Rochester), and Aaron Metzger (West Virginia University)
A new report produced in partnership with Nonprofit VOTE highlights the potential for community organizations to engage voters.
By: Sigal Ben-Porath and Rand Quinn, with Gideon Dishon, Nimet Eren and Tom Szczesny