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As part of our work to inform and prepare educators so they can engage in nonpartisan teaching about voting and elections, CIRCLE and the Civic Engagement Research Group (CERG) at UC Riverside hosted a public webinar series during summer 2023.

During four sessions in June and July, the Educating for Informed and Equitable Voting webinar series equipped teachers, administrators, and other leaders and stakeholders in K-12 schools to better understand their role in ensuring all young people are ready to participate in our democracy. Please note the series has ended and registration is closed, but you can read more about each session below.

June 20: The Role of Schools, Educators and Administrators in Growing Voters

Participants will explore why young people deserve access to high-quality nonpartisan instruction about voting. We will discuss opportunities and resources for all educators to provide that instruction for their students.

June 27: Myths and Trends about Youth Voting

Participants will discuss misconceptions about young people's political engagement and their implications for K-12 nonpartisan civic education. We will examine national and local voting data for young people and consider how this data should inform high-quality instruction about voting.

July 18: Dynamics that Constrain Equitable Voting

Participants will learn about systemic inequalities in schools that limit access to high-quality voting instruction for marginalized groups of young people and explore what K-12 schools and educators can do to address those inequities.

July 25: Dynamics That Constrain Informed Voting

Participants will learn about current challenges in preparing young people to find reliable information about elections online and what educators can do to address these challenges.