Teen Vogue
Teen Vogue cites data from our exclusive poll of Iowa youth that shows potential for historically high turnout in the Democratic caucuses.
CIRCLE's exclusive Iowa youth poll provides context to Joe Biden's campaigning in the final days before the Iowa caucuses.
The Fulcrum
Coverage of our exclusive poll of young Iowans, which finds that young Democrats strongly support Bernie Sanders.
Education Week
Ahead of the 2020 Iowa caucuses, Education Week cites data from our 2018 youth poll on the need to lower barriers to voter participation.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Our data, and our Director of Impact Abby Kiesa, are cited in this piece about high school kids' attitudes on the election.
New York Magazine
This article cites CIRCLE data from the 2016 primaries showing broad youth support for Bernie Sanders.
This op-ed extensively cites CIRCLE research on how youth shaped the 2018 midterms and their potential to shape 2020.
U.S. News & World Report
This article cites CIRCLE data from the 2016 primaries that showed young people's overwhelming preference for Bernie Sanders.
USA Today
Our Director shares 2018 data and looks forward to the 2020 election.
The New York Times
CIRCLE data on youth voting in the 2016 Iowa caucuses informs this piece on Bernie Sanders' candidacy.
CIRCLE researcher Rey Junco comments on age differences in how voters approach the election.
The Washington Post
Our Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg shares her thoughts on young people's attitudes toward the President.