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What Keeps Young Black People From Voting?

The Sacramento Observer
According to CIRCLE’s data analysis, “many young people have not been taught about elections and voting; both the practicalities of registering and casting a ballot and the reasons why their voices and votes matter in democracy."

Report Suggests New Avenues for K-12 Civics Assessment

Diverse Issues in Higher Education
“I think the hope is that by putting civics in a broader assessment framework, it will get the attention and care that it deserves from the education community,” said CIRCLE Senior Researcher Kelly Siegel-Stechler.

Teens and Young Adults are Taking on Roles as Activists

VPM News
Twenty seven percent, compared with 5% in 2016, of young adults indicated that they had participated in street protests, and more than half responded that they had actively worked to encourage their peers to vote. Eighty three percent said that they believe young people have the power to change the country.

One Last Push: Climate Activists to Rally at White House and Across U.S.

The New York Times
Young voters overwhelmingly cited climate change as one of their three top issues, said CIRCLE Deputy Director Abby Kiesa. And those who prioritized it exhibited what she called a “high civic readiness” — a likelihood to be involved in local and national organizations.