Black and Latino youth were especially active in creating and sharing content on social platforms about the 2020 election or issues they care about.
New Jersey led the region and the nation in youth voter turnout in 2020; six states in the Northeast had turnout rates above 50%.
The states with one of the highest (Minnesota) and the lowest (South Dakota) 2020 youth voter turnout are in the Midwest.
Voter turnout across the South a region where voting by mail was generally not as easy, ranged from 56% in Virginia to 34% in Oklahoma.
Electoral participation ranged from 39% to 63% in this region, where many states tried to facilitate voting by mail in 2020.
In a 2016-2017 research experiment, we examined whether fictitious resumes that included AmeriCorps service were more likely to receive callbacks from employers.
CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg is one of the seven principal investigators and the Pedagogy Task Force co-chair in this groundbreaking national effort to strengthen civic education in America.
A close look at the reasons why some youth didn’t register, or registered but didn’t vote, suggests needed improvements in electoral administration and outreach.
Our research finds a big gap between the vote choice of young white voters and young voters of color in rural areas/small towns.