Our analysis of youth voter registration and turnout in 2022 highlights the need for policy implementation that accounts for racial inequities.
Initial findings from CIRCLE’s post-election youth poll highlight diverse barriers and a focus on economic issues among youth who didn’t vote
Young voters backed Harris overall but shifted toward Trump compared to 2020, especially white youth and young men
A CIRCLE analysis of voter file data as of late October shows notable progress among the youngest voters, but major differences by state
Our research finds that Black youth can have complex motivations for participating in elections, and that there is a nuanced relationship between their community belonging and voting.
Wisconsin ranks highly in CIRCLE’s Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), a tool that highlights states and districts in which young people have the highest potential to influence the 2024 election results.
A CIRCLE white paper uses 2020-2021 voting and registration data to evaluate the impact of various laws in improving equity in participation.
Young people in the state have been influential in recent elections, but they may need support to overcome changes in election laws.
Data shows that some young people are consuming local information from news outlets, but there's a greater need for access that can support youth engagement.