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Exclusive: MTV launches "Voting Early is Easier" campaign targeting young voters

"I hope that efforts like MTV will help to bring suites of online tools to young people so that they can essentially do all of this in one place—check their registration status, update their registration in the 41 states that allow you to do that online and then request an absentee ballot," said CIRCLE's Kelly Beadle

Mailed ballots boosted 2020’s turnout — will they work in 2022?

The Fulcrum
“In a 2020 when over half the people are submitting their ballots by mail, when people are talking about voting, they are going to be hearing from lots of different sources about voting by mail. We don’t know if that’s going to be the case in 2022,” said CIRCLE's Kelly Beadle.

What voting rights mean for the planet

Tufts University’s Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) reported a big boost in 2020 turnout among voters aged 18 to 29, with climate change hugely on their mind.

Young Americans of all stripes are pessimistic about U.S. politics

The Fulcrum
Pennsylvania tops the Youth Electoral Significance Index, given its above average youth voter registration and turnout rates. According to CIRCLE, President Biden garnered 127,000 more votes among the youth than Donald Trump in a race decided by fewer than 35,000 ballots.

Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Could Alienate Young Republican Voters

Teen Vogue
“As some of these state laws may get more nuanced or may get more confusing language added to them, that makes it harder on ... young people to understand what they can do and how they can access having a voice on issues they care about and that affect them,” CIRCLE Deputy Director Abby Kiesa explains.

Millennial. Mom. Mayor. Another way Michelle Wu reflects a changing Boston

The Boston Globe
“It’s become more normal or normative to have a political voice,” said CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg. “It’s an advantage for a candidate like Michelle Wu who really did build community and had a very young campaign team that wasn’t made of seasoned 50-year-olds.”