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American Democracy Is Sick. Can Colleges Be Part of the Cure?

“If I grow up in a school where I feel like my voice is heard, I know who to go to for change, and I see that effected, that’s going to give me a much greater sense of political efficacy throughout my life than if I don’t have those kinds of experiences as a young person,” says CIRCLE's Kelly Siegel-Stechler.

Getting Out the Student Vote in an Off Year

Inside Higher Ed
“Institutionalizing proactive measures, which are so important for young people, who are moving more frequently and who may need reminders to update their registration because of their mobility rates, are the types of things we’re starting to see are correlated with higher voter turnout,” said CIRCLE's Kelly Beadle.

Losing the generation game: could economic setbacks radicalise graduates?

Financial Times
“The one thing we heard [consistently] from young people was that it was a learning experience in how political leaders’ decisions affect their daily life,” says Abby Kiesa, deputy director of the Centre for Information and Research of Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University.